7/31/2008 04:09:00 pm
7/31/2008 10:06:00 am
We've just put up Climbing up the Walls and Denise the Disease from Mondays performance at Antidot on Radio Lynx up on our myspace:
7/30/2008 10:10:00 am

Yesterday we asked you who should leave Dekadens.
70 of you lucky souls voted, with a round number of 20 votes for Mihai and 50 votes for Boddy.
Mihai now owes Boddy a beer.
We will let Boddy off the hook, this time...
Both Mihai and Boddy are on very thin ice.
Stay tuned for more random polls.
In the mean time, check out our competition below!
7/29/2008 10:07:00 pm

Mihai wrote :
You fuckers LIKE balloooooonssss ?... if yer asses like ballloooonsssss write why do you like them.You might get a fucking dekadens album.How about that ?! You fuckers, and your fucking cunt like balllooonneey tricks.Come get it.COME GET IT!Write the fuck out of deka.dens@yahoo.com.. do something useful.Use that ballooonn twisted wish.You know you LIKE IT ! You can almost smell the fucking dead rubber.BALLLOOONNSSS! FUCKING LOVe 'EM.YOU FUCKING DO !
rape this fucking mail : deka.dens@yahoo.com
Becky a tradus:
Domnii si doamnele mele... va plac balonasele ? ...daca Dvs va plac balonasele va rog foarte frumos sa ne scrieti de ce va plac. S-ar putea sa primiti un album dekadens.Umil va intreb, ce parere au domniile Dvs despre asta ? Dragii mei cu preocuparile Dvs dragalase...Va rog sa poftiti sa il luati.Chiar insist cu caldura.Trimiteti randurile Dvs pe adresa deka.dens@yahoo.com.Luati in consideratie utilitatea acestui lucru.Folositi-va de gandurile colorate si frumoase cu aroma de primavara tinereasca care va duc cu gandul la balonasele cu pricina.Sigur va aduceti aminte cu placere de acele momente.Sunt aproape convins.Aproape ca simtiti in aer mireasma unei pungute noi cu balonase inghesuite unul in altul.Balonase! Le adorati, sunt sigur.Sunt aproape convins ca asa este.
va rog cu indulgenta sa scrieti pe : deka.dens@yahoo.com
Boddy a scris :
da.. baloane.. scrieti despre ele.. album gratis, chestii.. p#$%a mea.. ce sa zic.E mishto albumul.. e cu c#*%ie asha.. mihai e un idiot oricum.
cica asta e mail-u, p%#la mea... : deka.dens@yahoo.com
jan a scris :
da, da ,da.. baloanele sunt super tari, mosule.
baga mare pe : deka.dens@yahoo.com
The winner recieves a free copy of Kill and Tell
7/29/2008 10:21:00 am
7/24/2008 11:52:00 am

Next Monday, 28th July at 8.00 PM we will be playing live on air at Radio Lynx.
Hope you all can tune in!
For more info:
7/23/2008 01:32:00 pm

As Boddy is away working hard, we're also working hard in the rehearsal room.
We've got two new songs in the making, which will blow you away.
We've also got a few other surprises up our sleeve, but it's all going to be kept very hush hush.
7/23/2008 12:29:00 pm