Last night we did something a little different, and played for the first time at Hard Rock Cafe.

show went as smoothly as a Dekadens concert can go.
We had birthday cakes, runaway brides dancing to Midnight Star, people in suits cheering us on. It was spontaneous, it was ludicrous, it was... kind of weird.

In fact, it was so tiring, we are taking 2 weeks off.
But watch this space, we have a surprise which you aren't going to want to miss!
2 Responses
  1. herminedirt Says:

    all in all it was a great show. good job guys.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    misto misto... sfatul meu e sa va luati si un domeniu si sa va faceti o pagina bine pusa la punct. pe net e mai usor sa iti faci publicitate. Oricum, sunteti misto misto misto... ROCK ON