And what did they reply? See for yourself!

Full Name: Rebecca-Sue Unicorn
Birthday: 2nd November
Place of Birth: London
Occupation: Duct Tape Artist
Hobbies: Collecting Tic Tac boxes
Musical Instruments you can play "Star Wars" on: On my beer bottle organ
Idol: Betty Boop
Favourite TV Show: My Name Is Earrrrl
If you could be a superhero, who would you be?: Chlorophyll Kid
Have you ever stolen anything?: Have you seen your wallet recently?
Are you a fast runner?: Watch me!
Reduce $45 by 28%: $12.60.
How do paper airplanes fly?: With a little motor, those futuristic paper airplanes are pretty damn impressive.
Complete this sentence: If I were a secretary I would... quit my job. Woops.
Choose the odd one out: Cockatoo, Cockatiel, Cuckoo, Yo Momma.: Cuckoo.
Full Name:JA`S MINE
Birthday: 30 February 1900
Place of Birth: Vama Veche
Occupation: professional drinker
Hobbies : killing time
Musical Instruments you can play "Happy Birthday" on: Pentium Intel 4
Favourite Food: weed
If you could be a superhero, who would you be?: CHUCK NORRIS
Have you ever stolen anything?: yes
Are you good at acrobatics?: yes
A bus travels at a speed of 80km/h. How far does it travel in 45 minutes?: 60 km
How many children does Jennifer Lopez have?: 2:J & LO
Complete this sentence: If I was Kim Deal for a day, I would... fuck the guitar player of DEKADENS
Choose the odd one out: Veni, Vidi, Vici, Milf: MILF

Full Name: Andrei Mihai a.k.a. The Man who Is a Boy and plays a bass that’s not a Toy
Birthday: the day my mum shoved me out and my dad played the mandolin
Place of Birth: the place of birth is between Conception and Death, I guess
Occupation: occupied
Hobbies: i love Hobbits !
Heroes: Batman because he is Man but Bat in one single person ! Awsome !
Favourite Colour: colour me bad
Musical Instruments you can play "Ba ba Black Sheep" on: the five stringed wooden pigeon with a
If you could be a superhero, who would you be?: I would be the Spiraling Junkie, with his amazing power to spiral like a junkey while searching desperately for something sweet to EAT.
Have you ever stolen anything?: I have stolen something
Can you read peoples minds?: I can read
A car was sold for $2,975 for a 7% reduction in price, what is the original value?: the original value is SWEET , MAN !
How do you change a lightbulb?: I smash open the windows, tear down the walls, scream in despair and agony, phone a close friend from the next room and order pizza for closure.. fuck the light bulb, i OWN candles.
Complete this sentence: If I were a salesman, I would SUCK THE LIPS OF A TURTLE SUPREME
Choose the odd one out: Teddy Bear, Unicorn, Puppy Dog, Scary Molestor : I likeee teedddddddddddiiieeessss !!!
Full Name: Alexandrescu Bogdan gen
Birthday: 12.06.1986
Place of Birth: where my mom couldn’t afford to keep me inside her anymore
Occupation: watching porn
Hobbies: watching porn
Musical Instruments you can play "Jingle Bells" on: my grandma’s ass
MILFS: Monica Bellucci & Cleopatra Stratan
Favourite Movie: Glad-He-Ate-Her
If you could be a superhero, who would you be?: Negative Wonder Woman
Have you ever stolen anything?: A drum stick
Are you interested in space travel?: I don’t know yet
How many signs of the zodiac are there?: How many are there?
Why is it not cool to be clever?: Because it’s not clever to be cool.
Complete this sentence: I don't really like Ice cream much, because LASSIE WAS A BOY!!
Choose the odd one out: Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, Siemens: Rahatel