Here are also some live clips taken by various other people from youtube:

Enjoy :)


An interview from Wednesday at B52 on MTV News with us, the Moood and Israel Lights was posted here:


I'm writing this because of some of the articles I've read on websites about certain festivals and concerts:

I've noticed, and I'm sure many others have recently, about the publics perception of bands.
People all seem to think bands in Romania are copying something from somewhere.
The truth is every single musician has listened to bands from outside of Romania, and in some way put this into their style.
Like the UK, where there are millions of bands which play the same thing and get famous for it.
We all have some sort of a rock icon in our heads, and we all wish to be like that person some day.
Which is completely normal, everybody feels the same way in any domain.

There are so many songs and bands in this world, that somewhere a riff will sound like that riff you heard on the radio by that band that you know which also sounds like a band that you saw on TV.

I'm sure almost every band in Romania has two purposes: to play music and to have fun. At least, we do.
There are only a small handful of bands in this country, each with their own personal style and ideas.
But somehow, there seems to be only room for one type of genre because everything else gets knocked and criticised.
Everybody expresses their opinion online. Which is fair enough, but they don't understand that the person reading it will soak in this information.
Why should it be that way?
If we are always criticising musicians constantly they will become unmotivated to continue, then what's left of the scene here in Romania?

I think that people should stop criticising bands, stop folding their arms and for once support them.
Go to their concerts, have fun and dance, have a drink or two, appreciate good music.

In order for music to grow, we need to start appreciating what they do.

That's not to say however, that we should love every bad tune that comes along.
But wouldn't it be great to get loose in the audience, lose your heads (as we say) and have a good time?
Why should it be about image all the time?

So in essence, if you're really going to take my bullshit into account:
1. Go to concerts, support your local music scene.
2. Buy originals and stop stealing from the internet (but we all do it, so what the heck)
3. Have FUN.

Rant: OFF



Last night was a blast.
Thankyou to everyone who was there and cheered us on.
Thanks even more to the people at the front who knew every single song.



Boddy: hello my bloody friends
Bex: raaawr
Mihai: bloody alexandrescu
Mihai: bloody shit
Mihai: i ain't wearing stripes, mime outfits and stuff
Bex: oh yes you are
Mihai: i don't even have the time to reach the sound check in time
Bex: then u will be the odd one out
Mihai: when we will have a theme party u can count on me
Bex: and people will laugh at you and say
Mihai: i wil be odd one ?
Mihai: yes
Mihai: good thinking
Bex: "hey look, its the guy that isnt a mime"
Bex: "lets all point and laugh"
Mihai: aham
Mihai: is that what you tell yourself when u go to bed at night ?.. i am the normal one, i am the normal one
Mihai: and then you wipe the powder off your face
Mihai: and u pantomime into sleep mode
Bex: pantomime is something else
Bex: its when actors dress up and play story book stuff on stage
Mihai: doesn't matter
Mihai: i ain't wearing that
Mihai: bye bye
Bex: pffft
Bex: well
Bex: boddys with me
Bex: right?
Bex: jeez
Boddy: you said all in black
Mihai: plus to do this one day befor ethe concert, i barely have time to sit around and do this right after such a long pause
Bex: what have i got to do around here to get people to dress up like mimes?
Mihai: u have to behead yourself
Bex: i would
Mihai: u wouldn't
Bex: but then i wouldnt be much of a singer, would i?
Mihai: but u would have an image
Bex: then i would truly be a mime
Mihai: boddy
Boddy: pula mea io n-am idei
Mihai: deci am eu o idee
Mihai: maine
Mihai: cantam numai cu spatele la public
Mihai: toti
Boddy: dar in curu gol
Mihai: becky
Mihai: in curu gol
Mihai: dar pudrat si cu o fata desenata cu ruj
Bex: i will be the odd one out
Mihai: u will be out allright
Bex: i have a better idea
Boddy: putem sa venim imbracatzi in echipament de tenis
Bex: YOU can sing for me just for tomorrow mihai
Mihai: putem sa venim in echipament de supt pula
Mihai: i can't sing
Mihai: but tx anyway
Mihai: i rather puke and slip
Bex: that can be arranged
Mihai: is that a proposal ?
Bex: mihnea says hello
Mihai: does mihnea know what you do ?
Mihai: mihnea i hello you right back
Mihai: dupa ce termin cu ideile astea dementziale
Mihai: i wil lbe in the shadows
Bex: i propose
Bex: we dress like dracula
Bex: we will be drindie
Mihai: one dracula
Mihai: i want to be his legs
Bex: dracula indie
Mihai: u can be the head
Mihai: jan and boddy wil be the boddy ( of course ) and arms
Mihai: indicula
Mihai: indiecula
Mihai: lindiecula
Boddy: drasugipula
Mihai: mersi l afel
Mihai: becky, go back to sleep
Boddy: i can't see where this conversation is heading right now
Boddy: but i gotta study
Mihai: u want head ?
Bex: mihai, jump out the window
Mihai: sugi pula , boddy !
Mihai: it's closed
Mihai: plus
Mihai: i have shackels while at work
Mihai: i can't jump
Bex: human slavery
Boddy: mihai, jump out the window sucking cock
Mihai: boddy suck the cock before it becomes a rooster
Bex: boddy, how old are you?
Boddy: is it medically relevant?
Mihai: rhcp song , famouse for it's sexual anthem suck thst cock ( boddy )
Mihai: for you to suck cock
Mihai: it's medically relevant
Mihai: because u need it
Mihai: to calm down
Mihai: suck 3-4 cocks before lunch for a good sleep
Mihai: gata ?
Boddy: deci asha ramane?
Mihai: asha ramane , tu sugi pula si eu ma intorc la treaba
Mihai: si maine ne imbracam in anusuri
Mihai: ca sa cantam totzi ca un cur
Bex: yeah... you go ahead and do that
Mihai: toti ca un cur
Boddy: we should dress like an unordinary indie punk band
Mihai: you are right
Mihai: u should've said suck cock more often
Mihai: boddy is to blame
Mihai: how do ordinary punk indie bands dress like ?
Mihai: awful, i get it
Bex: like an unordinary indie punk band with a girl in a tutu
Mihai: i do that all the time
Mihai: well a tutu isn't funny at all
Bex: its not supposed to be funny
Boddy: let's all dress in ponchos
Mihai: what about punches ?
Boddy: without anything else
Mihai: boddy wants to show his eggs basket
Bex: the mexican indie punk band
Mihai: ntz ntz ntz
Bex: mindie
Boddy: mexindie
Mihai: indix
Bex: windix?
Mihai: redefine the genere
Bex: thats like window cleaner
Mihai: we don't play music
Mihai: we play shitsic
Mihai: or suckmycocksic
Mihai: our new web site
Mihai: i did mycock by myself
Mihai: and a lot of people were on it
Mihai: i have loads of friends on mycock
Boddy: is it me or that site really exists?
Boddy: "our next song is from our mycock page..."
Bex: and if im drunk enough
Bex: i just might say that
Mihai: mycock.cum
Bex: uhm
Bex: that domain exists
Bex: its from cumbria in wales I think
Boddy: what did i tell you
Boddy: elite pass
Bex: i am putting some of this on our page
Bex: only some
Mihai: i rather have boddy suck my cock
Mihai: and jan sayiing : " puuuuulaaa meaaa, mihai... "
Mihai has left the conference.
Boddy: so
Boddy: i'm glad we reached the same bottomline
Boddy: have to go study
Boddy has left the conference.

INDIE ROCK PARTY @ B52: 27.08.08

This Wednesday, 27th August we're playing alongside The Moood and Israel Lights at B52 starting from 20.00.

Entrance: 12 RON

See you there!


Want us to play in your city?
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View the complete Dekadens tour schedule

Thankyou to those that demanded us!


Toata lumea shtie ca din muzica nu faci bani dar asta e ridicol.Ajutati trupele din Romania sa nu se prostitueze si sa nu se indeparteze de calea cea dreapta.In poza de mai jos ne intalnim cu doi membrii de onoare din scena muzicala Romaneasca.Eminentul BEBE de la trupa Chester si patriotul BODY de la trupa Dekadens incearca sa mai faca un ban intr-un hypermarket local.Sunt la oferta si au preturi care dau cu virgula.Macar sunt 100% bumbac deci mai castiga puncte de autoritate comerciala.Unde e dreptatea ?..Cineva sa ii dea jos de acolo.


Pe o planeta indepartata unde trupele repeta in pielea goala pentru a spori senzatia sunetului nou si liber compus in gratia sesiunilor spontane programate fix, o trupa era mai dezbracata ca toate celelalte.I se spunea dekadens.Avea mai mult nudism gratuit intr-o zi decat alte trupe intr-un an...

Intr-o buna zi, cand membrii trupei stateau la o masa de poker in mijlocul drumului, Becky s-a gandit la o palarie ciudata care arata de fapt a ciuperca in pas cu moda si zic "arata", pentru ca toata lumea putea sa vada plasmuirea mintii englezoaicei, plutind in aer.Narghileaua din decor si pernele turcesti nu banuiau nimic despre ce avea sa urmeze...
Dupa ore indelungate in care Becky avea un nor plutitor deasupra capului si nimeni nu si-a dat seama ca e o palarie de fapt,cei 4 au inceput sa dea cu rocku', tot in mijlocu' drumului.Narghileaua si pernele turcesti din decor au plecat injurand, sa asculte ceva oriental.
La sfarsitul repetitiei, Boddy a aflat ca este tata.Deplasarile cu trupa l-au purtat pe melaguri necunoscute, in afara planetei natale si acum, un copil verde , zglobiu si leit moaca lui de Boddy, este ecoul zbuciumatelor calatorii in care nu a putut spune "nu".. nici macar odata.Felicitari boddy.Este verde, dar e-al tau !
Dupa stirea incredibila pe care a primit-o, Boddy a scapat,de emotzie, copilul verde pe jos si l-a facut praf tzandari si a convocat trupa la o shedintza de narghilea cu esenta de "ce-ai zis?.. a, mi s-a parut ca ai zis ceva...o fi vantu'...".Imediat ce au gasit Narghileaua si pernele turcesti (care ascultau muzica orientala in mashina la Jan) s-au pus pe tras pe gura si pe nas si, ca prin minune, gravitatia a inceput sa joace feste si toti s-au trezit plutind, mai putin Jan.Jan nu se trezise inca.
Trupa s-a lasat cuprinsa de o stare de bine care era de fapt o stare de fum care era de fapt o narghilea care era de fapt o pipa ciudata care asculta muzica orientala cu niste perne. Mihai a inceput sa mixeze la un turn-table care era, ca orice alt lucru pe planeta asta, in mijlocul drumului.In timp ce mixa ishi aducea aminte de iubitul lui, Negruldo Tatnugluma, o fiinta extraterestra de clasa neagra din alta constelatie, in care trupa concertase in cadrul unei manisfetari cu tematica "oamenii colorati sunt cei mai dotati".Negruldo Tatnugluma a fost dragoste la prima vedere pentru Mihai insa intre cei doi nu mai era acum decat o gaura neagra.

Urmatoarea zi a avut loc o shedinta foto.In timpul acestei shedinte foto, trupa si-a dat seama ca Becky este ciudat de inalta, mai inalta chiar ca unii membrii ai trupei.In aceasta clipa membrii formatiei s-au intrebat daca nu cumva aerul rarefiat al planetei nu le joaca feste

Pentru a inlatura aura misterioasa din studioul foto (care sigur se afla in mijlocul drumului...) cei patru s-au pus pe rockerit (in mijlocul drumului...).Energia pe care o emana trupa era imensa incat cristale swarowsky au inceput sa le tzashneasca din cap de diferite culori, in functie de starea pe care o aveau.Cristalul lui Becky era verde pentru ca se simtea verde.Cristalul lui jan era negru pentru ca si-ar fi dorit-o mai mare.Cristalul lui Boddy era mov pentru ca el foarte gay si cristalul lui Mihai era de un albastru inchis pentru ca alta culoare nu au avut la magazin.
Pentru ca nu prea le-a placut cum a ieshit repetitzia si nici ce cantece aveau, cei patru au incins o partida de karaoke combinat cu mishcari aprige de kung-fu.Becky a observat ca cineva facea print screen-uri ale actiunilor lor in timp ce trupa facea karaoke-fu si a intrat in pozitia de atac pentru a disipa aceasta intruziune in spatiul personal.. din mijlocul drumului.
Intriga acetsui atac invizibil s-a consumat repede deoarece cu totii s-au hotarat sa incinga un gratar in mijlocul drumului, sa manance niste mici si sa bea bere la unison, eventual sa il imbete pe Boddy din nou si sa ii puna un bebelush verde in bratze, cand se trezeshte.

Pacea s-a instaurat din nou pe planeta dekadensilor deoarece gazele de la mici combinati cu bere au produs o senzatie de reverie pe care o puteai simti in aerul rarefiat si pana si mana criminala care facea print-screen-uri se oprise de au fost balonatzi cu totzii pana la adanci batranetzi.


The winner of our competition is Cosmin Razvan, with his version of balloons:

"Ce ce sa zic.......frumoase baloane parca venite din toate colturile lumii:miss Becky new-fresh from U.K,Yanin cu o freza japoneza :),Bogdan venit de pe plantatiile din Mexic iar Mihai
U.S. soldier attitude!!!!!toate baloanele stranse in mana de o fata razgaiata care si-a dat sangele k sa le aibe!!!!!!"

Congratulations Cosmin. We're sending you a copy of Kill and Tell through the post.

Stay tuned for more competitions!


Well... almost...

We've been put on, which you can check out HERE.

Tomorrow we will announce the winners of the competition!


As you know, Mihai is away smoking with the Dutch.
Bogdan is partying it up at the seaside.
Jan will also be partying up at the seaside.
So we're taking a 2 week vacation.
Please continue sending in your competition entries for that chance to win a free album, and we will announce the winner when we get back!