8/30/2008 10:53:00 am

I'm writing this because of some of the articles I've read on websites about certain festivals and concerts:
I've noticed, and I'm sure many others have recently, about the publics perception of bands.
People all seem to think bands in Romania are copying something from somewhere.
The truth is every single musician has listened to bands from outside of Romania, and in some way put this into their style.
Like the UK, where there are millions of bands which play the same thing and get famous for it.
We all have some sort of a rock icon in our heads, and we all wish to be like that person some day.
Which is completely normal, everybody feels the same way in any domain.
There are so many songs and bands in this world, that somewhere a riff will sound like that riff you heard on the radio by that band that you know which also sounds like a band that you saw on TV.
I'm sure almost every band in Romania has two purposes: to play music and to have fun. At least, we do.
There are only a small handful of bands in this country, each with their own personal style and ideas.
But somehow, there seems to be only room for one type of genre because everything else gets knocked and criticised.
Everybody expresses their opinion online. Which is fair enough, but they don't understand that the person reading it will soak in this information.
Why should it be that way?
If we are always criticising musicians constantly they will become unmotivated to continue, then what's left of the scene here in Romania?
I think that people should stop criticising bands, stop folding their arms and for once support them.
Go to their concerts, have fun and dance, have a drink or two, appreciate good music.
In order for music to grow, we need to start appreciating what they do.
That's not to say however, that we should love every bad tune that comes along.
But wouldn't it be great to get loose in the audience, lose your heads (as we say) and have a good time?
Why should it be about image all the time?
So in essence, if you're really going to take my bullshit into account:
1. Go to concerts, support your local music scene.
2. Buy originals and stop stealing from the internet (but we all do it, so what the heck)
3. Have FUN.
Rant: OFF
Yes, all music, as most of art or any creation, is inspired or at least has a starting point in an amalgamous soup of things we like, feel challenged by, know or learn in our life. Our mission, if that's a way to put it, is to take a stand vs that soup. What we choose to do with that soup in other words, whether we want to negate or affirm it is our own choice, but i think the most important thing, when creating, is to make it our own, infuse it with our own voice, our own spirit.
On another hand, i have a partial liking to the old saying that if you cna't say anything nice about someone or something, don't say anything at all. I believe we must challenge and criticise and have a personal opinion vs the art that is given to us, but i also strongly believe that art is a privilege that we are blessed to experience, whatever that may be, painting, music, or whatever.
Bottom line, we all should learn to be ourselves and express ourselves with our own voices and respect others others in their endeavours too. Regarding music, and in Romania specifically, yes, we must, MUST support the local music scene. Criticism is good as long as constructive and intelligent not selfimportant as most "critics" here seem to like to be, but support is of the utmost importance.
So to finish, i can't but underline what you said. Go to concerts people, pay tickets, pay for your music, give to the artists what you want to get from them. It will never change otherwise.
Good luck Becky and good luck to Dekadens too. :)
pretty interesting stuff :)