2/25/2009 11:56:00 pm
Today, on the 25th February 2009, at 3 pm, outside the American Embassy, Bucharest, Romania, on Earth, DKDNS received their visas to go to the United States to play at SXSW and in Detroit.
We were so happy we shit ourselves.
Mihai was so happy he threw his picture in a plate of food... and then ate it!
Thankgod it wasn't the viza, we would have really been SCREWED!
TM Dekadens then went to Dan Vezentans and Gigis studio to shoot the Eurotop 20 with MTV.
So, next Wednesday at 18,00 on MTV, watch us make a fool of ourselves, you won't regret it.
But most important of all,
don't forget about FRIDAY
Be there, or be circle.
un scurt interviu cu jan in emisiunea Antidot de la Radio Lynx, www.radiolynx.ro, 28 februarie, orele 16-18
vom vorbi despre turneul american ce urmeaza. dupa intoarcere asteptam trupa in studio sa ne povesteasca cum a fost:)
http://vip.radiolynx.ro/antidotul-din-28-februarie-oigan-lansare-sex-with-onions-dekadens-north-american-tour. html
maestre, baga ceva de laptarie, lumea tre sa stie